Secure... AND Convenient
Access Control Cards
Security & Convenience - All In One Card
Our access control cards utilize state-of the-art security technology to keep you protected
Our access control cards fit in your wallet, phone case, or money clip. Stop carrying around bulky dongles, fobs or tokens
All our cards go through rigorous ISO tests to make sure they last
One-Time Password (OTP) Cards
Safeguard your digital assets. When you access your accounts on your mobile device, generate your OTP from a separate source for added security
One Card - Multiple Logins
Configure your access control cards to allow access to multiple accounts with a single card or use it for both physical as well as logical authentication
Custom Branded Designs
Our access control cards can be custom designed to look like an extension of your company brand

Our Cards Are Secure
We have tested our access control cards against all industry standard security protocols.

Carry only one device for multiple access credentials. More convenient, less chance of losing another item and you save time looking for different secure access keys.

Protect Your Information
Keep your data safe with the convenience of an offline access control card that cannot be hacked. More safety features like biometric access may be added if desired.